What Anaphylaxis is Like

Unfortunately, I’ve experienced anaphylaxis before. But, today was my biggest reaction to date. I wasn’t as careful as I should have been buying new food from the lunchroom, and even...

Homemade Dairy-free Sheppard`s Pie

When we first learned of my sons multiple food allergies I felt completely overwhelmed, especially in the kitchen. Almost all packaged goods we previously consumed contained his allergens and I only...

Allergy-friendly traditional Carrot Cupcakes

Last week my husband went to the grocery store with the kids, and when they got home my 3 year old son couldn’t stop raving about the carrot cake they saw with mini carrots made of icing. Much...

Easy Nut-free Egg-free Pad Thai

Before I had kids, before the words anaphylaxis and epinephrine existed in my vocabulary, my husband and I were “gastro-tourists” that planned vacations around new foods to try. We...

Living with an Anaphylactic Wheat Allergy

“Is it like a gluten intolerance?” This is the most common question we get, having a child with a severe, IgE-meditated wheat allergy. If you are a parent of a kid with food allergies, you...

The FEAR of Anaphylaxis

May is Allergy Awareness Month, and in an effort to help spread food allergy and anaphylaxis awareness, I’ve decided to come face to face with my fears. Living with food allergies is not easy, but...